Got Flavor?

There's a , running joke that when you can't descibe wha you're eating you say "tastes like chicken", but what exactly does that taste like?  We spend too much time and money in life not to be eating something good. And, when I say "good" I mean flavorful. The ingredients for great flavor in clude [...]

Link It, Ink It

Link-It:  Sites we like and think you’ll find them useful too. Farms: Our farm–   Organizations, Associations, Agencies: Future Harvest CASA– Alternative Farming Systems Information Service (USDA) Maryland Agriculture and Resource-Based Industries Corporation (MARBIDCO) Maryland Deparment of Agriculture University of Maryland Extension-Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education (SARE) University of Maryland Extension-Maryland Rural Enterprise Development Center Johns [...]

Porktoberfest 2019

October is National Pork Month.  Have you had some bacon today?  Pigs are one of the most prolific animals in the world since their young are born in litters (our sows have 10-12 pigs per litter, twice a year) and they do well outdoors as foragers. Did you know that on average we each consumer [...]

Have you Been to the Fair Yet?

Summertime ushers in a host of carnivals and local fairs. Have you been to a local fair yet this summer? This year the Maryland State Fair will be held from August 23 through September 2, at the Timonium Fairgrounds Did you know that the concept of the modern day fair dates back as far as [...]

Why Do We Eat Ham at Christmas?

With so many choices for a festive meal centerpiece, eating ham for Christmas seems a little blasé. Featured as the centerpiece of the prototypical Dickensian Christmas, it’s said to have its roots in ancient pagan ritual. Supposedly, the tradition started with the Germans, who wanted to appease the god, Freyr.  He was the god of [...]

That Ear Thing

About a year ago a fellow Berkshire hog farmer, Amy Thames, in South Carolina posted a blog article about pig’s ears.  We use the same notching practice on our pigs.  It’s about how we identify them.  Pigs will get an ear tag caught in a feeder or waterer and pull it out, often slicing their [...]

Can You Farm in All This Rain?

Life on the farm revolves around watching the weather and in this growing season, the view hasn't changed much- rain, rain, and more rain.  For crop and vegetable producers the abundant spring rains delayed planting or even worst rotted transplants. Now all the rain may delay or even prevent their harvest before the produce or [...]

Cookbooks: More than a How-to-Cook Guide

I have a lot of cookbooks. I have boxes of them that were my mother’s packed away in the attic. In her time, cookbooks were how you stored recipes and boy did she store a bunch.  I think she had a copy of every Ladies’ Sunday School Class cookbook that was ever printed in Franklin [...]

Evermore Farm Meats are into “Frozen”

Fall is rapidly descending upon us and it’s the time of year when folks consider purchasing ¼, ½, or whole steer or hog for their freezer.  Evermore Farm products are raised, processed, and packed with the highest quality standards from birth to package.  Folks often ask us if we can sell them fresh cuts.  Due [...]

We Don’t Do That Here

The other day I got a call from a lady looking for pig skin.  I asked what she meant by pig skin and she said, “You know. Like when you cut a pork shoulder roast…do you leave the skin on? Can I buy pig skin from you?”  I gently replied that our processor skins our [...]

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