Link-It:  Sites we like and think you’ll find them useful too.


Our farm–


Organizations, Associations, Agencies:

Future Harvest CASA–

Alternative Farming Systems Information Service (USDA)

Maryland Agriculture and Resource-Based Industries Corporation (MARBIDCO)

Maryland Deparment of Agriculture

University of Maryland Extension-Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education (SARE)

University of Maryland Extension-Maryland Rural Enterprise Development Center

Johns Hopkins Center for a Livable Future
Leopold Center
Local Food Project at the Airlie Foundation
Lower Eastern Shore Sustainable Organic Network (LESSON)
Maryland Agricultural Resource Council
Maryland Department of Agriculture
Maryland Organic Food & Farming Association
Maryland Wineries Association
National Family Farm Coalition
National Sustainable Agriculture Coalition
Northeast Sustainable Agriculture Working Group
North County Preservation
Piedmont Environmental Council

NEFOOD- The Northeast Food and Farm (NEFOOD) is a project of the Northeast Sustainable Agriculture Working Group (NESAWG)