About the Author: Ginger Myers

Ginger Myers was born and raised in Franklin County, Pennsylvania. Her family left their farm in Mercersburg when she was only six years old, but she spent many Sunday afternoons and summers with her cousins working and learning on their family dairy farms. Along the way she became inoculated with the farming “bug”. She is a proud Penn State graduate. It was while working as a Field Agent for the Pennsylvania Guernsey Breeders Association that she met and married John Myers, a third generation dairy farmer. They began their married lives as dairy farmers on John’s paternal grandfather’s farm, but that was not to last. While not always actively farming, they’ve both always worked in fields related to agriculture. They have been sweethearts, best friends, and life partners for more than thirty years.
Ginger established and operated a wet-chemistry testing lab for 10 years that specialized in analyzing feed and forages. She worked as an Ag Marketing Specialist in Economic Development in Howard County, Maryland, for 8 years, and is the State Marketing Specialist for Ag and Natural Resources with the University of Maryland Extension. She has had the privilege of working closely with several NESARE projects, served on the Maryland State Agriculture Commission, and has been a longtime member of Future Harvest CASA- serving four terms on its Board of Directors.
John and Ginger have made lots of great friends working in agriculture and as producers. Evermore Farm is their ardent effort to “walk the talk” about the viability of diversified, sustainable small farms. However, both agree that their best “crop” is their children, Susan and Andrew. Both are now married with wonderful partners and have children of their own. Family is our greatest joy and serves as “True North” on the farmer’s compass.
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